Sunday, June 29, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

I can't decide what the best part of driving to Utah was.  It's a toss up between...

Getting up at 4:00 am 

#3 yakking 4 times and the subsequent stench of vomit for the next 12 hours

Trying to sneak dramamine into #1's ice cream which she immediately tasted and spit out

Putting #1 and #2 in time out in the weeds of an exit ramp

Wanting to put Spouse in time out in the weeds of an exit ramp

Consuming at least 40,000 calories of candy, chocolate and fry sauce from Big Al's Burgers at the Junction in Kanab


Finally arriving at 10:30 p.m.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tribute to Spouse on his 31st Birthday

Dear Spouse,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

You're always a gentleman. I just re-discovered a letter you sent my parents before this date (Senior Ball) informing them of our plans and thanking them for their lovely daughter. The detailed itinerary ended at 6:00am the following morning with "a sunrise breakfast." P.S. my parents didn't go for it, but never-the-less appreciated the attempt.

You make people laugh. In this picture you had just broken your ankle and were in terrible pain, but you were still hanging out at the Thanksgiving table, goofing off.

I'm way into hot pirates.

You're a great partner in the delivery room.... and in every other endeavor we've attempted. It's your clear thinking mixed with your uncanny ability to stay calm under any situation. You're loyal and committed; a true friend.

"Work smarter not harder". Actually you work pretty hard too. But you think so creatively, coming up with faster, better ways to do things - always looking for improvements. Whoo Hooo! One of the best days of our life in this picture.

You take good care of your babies. And that includes me.

And many, many more ways.

Happy Birthday

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons for #1 and #2 were a success. Things looked pretty gloomy on the first day. #2 cried, screamed and resisted with every stocky inch of his body. But being the alpha-male minded boy he is, he soon relinquished control of his power to his dominant teacher and succumbed to learning how to swim. #1 went from good to better. She is a slow, methodical swimmer, but has a calm confidence in her ability to get to the other side. Enjoy the video presentation:

What this doesn't show is me, completely drenched in sweat, trying to move as little as possible. And poor, suffering #3, bright red faced and hair matted to her head. It was merely 111 degrees outside.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


My fellow bloggers, do you find yourself constantly considering the blogworthiness of your daily experiences? Is that funny thing your kid said funny enough to make it to the blog? Or was your day horrible enough to mention on your blog? Please say I'm not the only one mentally sorting the experiences in my life into blog or non-blog categories. There is a certain level of humor or grossness or importance that must be reached in order to make it onto the blogisphere..... right?

(I've determined that this next tid-bit is indeed blogworthy) So tonight Spouse cracked a funny joke at dinner. The missionaries were eating with us and as we were getting to know them one of them mentioned that he is the great-grandson of Clark Gable. Without missing a beat, Spouse says in a very serious voice, "Frankly, Elder G_ I don't give a damn." Elder G_'s face went white, there was silence around the table. Apparently Elder G_ was not familiar with his great-grandfather's infamous quote. After a few awkward moments of Spouse trying to legitimize his joke, there were a few chuckles and it was over.

After the missionaries left Spouse and I were re-playing the Clark Gable scene from dinner. We laughed about it and then Spouse says, "So are you going to write about this on your blog?" WHAT?!? PUH-lease! What presumption! It just wasn't anywhere near being blogworthy, so I just laughed off his suggestion, hoping he would let it go. But he went on, "You know, you could start a weekly column about all the funny things I say!" HA!

{I'm seriously laughing really hard right now I can barely type}

Oh Spouse, I love you. But I just don't think there is enough (blogworthy) material to make a regular weekly post. However, if you keep this up, I might just have to make a weekly post about the "funny" things you say.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Way Things Are

During FHE lesson on ancestry:

Spouse: #1, Where are you from?

#1: Heaven

Spouse: I mean your body. Where is your body from?

#1: ummmm

me (trying to avoid one of spouse's overly complicated explanations): Your body is from Daddy and I. We made your body.

#1: Oh yeah! I came from your skin.  Daddy gave you his skin and you gave me your skin.

The Way Things Are

Saturday, whilst father and brother are off on church camp-out, aka "Father's and Sons" :

#1: Mom, Dad is 100 and you are 99

me: Ok. 

#1: See, it's like this.  (demonstrating with hands held at different levels) Dad is here (top hand) and you are here (bottom hand).

me: Ok.  

#1: I would love you more if you worked.