Tuesday, September 25, 2007

millions of peaches, peaches for me

Last night I picked up my order of UTAH peaches, the absolute best in the world. The house is fragrant with the sweet, nectary smell of those fuzzy gems. Today I'll be gorging myself and making peach baby food. I got this idea of homemade baby food from my sister-in-law and the more I read the more I like the idea. It's so nutritious and much cheaper. My freezer is looking pretty with neat little bags (frozen in one ounce ice cube trays) of applesauce and green beans. I'm not a very thrifty person, so this baby food making venture is making me feel very clever.

This morning is glorious. The windows and doors are thrown open wide and the fresh, cool air is reminding me that we finally have 6 months of exceptional weather ahead of us. This is the first morning when I haven't come back from my run totally dripping with sweat. I can tell its going to be a good day.

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