Monday, October 1, 2007

What is maybe?

#1 is always asking questions. And recently they have gotten pretty deep. "What is maybe?" "What is but?" How do you answer those questions? I have a college degree, (granted-the last five years I've been in a mental coma) but I can't muster up enough words to accurately describe maybe - can you?

This is a picture of my #1 and #2 eating marshmallows off the floor. This is what you have to do when your mother is starving you.


Jami said...

According to my kids, "MAYBE" means if I bug mom enough it will change to a "YES"!

daisy said...

My kids know that "maybe" means the same as "we'll see". Which pretty much means "NO"

Amy said...

the deep questions: ask daddy.
the real deep questions: call uncle rico (b.k.a. uncle aaron)

I avoid the deep stuff like the plague...

and yes, maybe in our house always turns to YES (now be quiet children!!!) ;)