Friday, November 2, 2007

It's November!

In this house we love November. November holds two birthdays, turkey-day and it also means we're that much closer to pulling out our Christmas CDs and putting up the lights. Happy November everyone!


Have you ever had a Halloween BBQ? We did. Then we took our kids trick or treating. #2 was so excited by the whole event most of the time he just ran up to the door, said "trrrr treat....ganks!" and ran away without receiving a morsel. #1 was more savvy, she brought home about 55,000 calories.
#2, Peter Pan #1, Tinkerbell

#3, the most amazing baby of the world

According to #1, #3 can do all sorts of amazing things for a 5 month old. For instance, she put these wings on herself:
Allegedly, she has also put on a variety of hats and dress-up accessories by herself. She can also transport herself into other rooms, even though she can't crawl. I don't know why I can never witness these things myself. They usually only happen when I'm in the shower or otherwise indisposed and I come out to find #3 all dressed up, or in another part of the house. When I ask #1 about it, she tells me that #3 has done it herself.

My mom tells me that I used to blame my older sister for wetting my pants. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Making Room

This past week we moved #3 out of the bassinet in the master bedroom and into a crib in a room she now shares with #1. We have a tiny house, so there was a lot more work than you would think. We had to take down #1's double bed and put a twin bed (thanks, mom and dad). And then we had to put up the crib. Spouse had to basically re-build the crib because #2 had literally destroyed it. (Have you ever heard of another baby that won't climb out of the crib, but will BREAK out of the crib?) In the process of totally re-organizing the house to make one tiny crib fit, I found a huge stash of #1's preschool projects and papers. I knew her little heart would break if she ever discovered that I had trashed her precious things, so I decided to let her throw them out. Long story short, after a million tears she decided that there were only about 12 things that she could part with. In order preserve their special memory we took a picture:
She's wearing her "Hawaii-girl dress"

Just like Dad

#2 worships his dad. When dad is around, #2 doesn't know I'm alive. When Dad isn't home, #2 wears Dad's shoes, tries to use Dad's electric razor and finds the screwdriver to "fix" things. This is #2 "working"


Jami said...

I am SO confused - who's on 1st?
Just kidding! Your kids are so cute and I am glad you all survived the adult Halloween dresser-upper crazy people!

DKAZ said...

#3 is getting so big, it's no wonder she can do all that stuff by herself. Q is in total "pick up the baby" mode. I have to rip her out of her superman grip because she ignores my threats altogether. Someone's BD is coming up soon...

daisy said...

So fun! I love how #3 is sooo mysterious. I wish I could blame someone besides our #4- Maggie (and myself who should have been watching more) who walked from the backyard, around past the garage, along a rocky path, then down a steep sidewalk from our house into the street. She covered all that ground in a matter of minutes (she has very small legs). Now I'm wondering could someone have carried her?