Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa's helper

So last night at our ward Christmas party #2 was running around with a herd of kids, when he accidentally ran right into Santa who was just entering the stage to make his appearance. Up until this moment I haven't been able to determine just how much #2 understands about Christmas, Santa, the whole bit. The boy doesn't talk so it's really hard to know what he knows. Well, last night when he ran into Santa, he stopped dead in his tracks, dropped his jaw and with ultra wide eyes was only able to mutter, "Christ Mas, Christ Mas!" Yay! He gets it!

Then while #1 and I were waiting in line to see Santa, she asked me if that really was Santa. I quietly told her that no, it wasn't Santa, but a special man who does a special job for Santa.... basically the Santa's helper story. Just then her friend who overheard her ask if it was Santa says to her, Yes, it really is Santa! And #1 says in a super loud, instructive voice, for all ears to hear No, it isn't Santa, just a helper. Ooops! Immediately the surrounding parents, reassure their kids that it is indeed Santa and one parent whispers to #1, "Please, keep that secret quiet."

I thought that was the standard explanation. I didn't know anyone really let their kids think that those kinds of Santas were the real deal. What do you guys think? What do you tell your kids?

I've always operated under the premise that the less you tell, the more mysterious Santa is and that makes it all the more fun for them.


birdie said...

Are you trying to insinuate that Santa isn't real?!? My mom told me that there would be naysayers like you and your little girl.

DKAZ said...

I will consider this your "reply/comment" to my last post...please see "oh what a tangled web we weave..." on my blog. I'm pretty sure it will explain quite a bit to you and #1. And if #1 has any unanswered questions please just refer her to me or Q. My parents always just said, "If you keep believing you keep receiving". They put me in a real pickle cause that statement doesn't hold much water against elementary school children.

Jami said...

Sure, your kid's gonna be "that" kid who announces to their entire kindergarten class that Santa is all a big hoax! Then I'm gonna be the mom who desperately tries to reassure their devastated child that Santa really does exist :)
I am just kidding! Actually, this whole thing is new to me. I don't ever remembering questioning his exsistence so I'm hoping my kids follow in my shoes :) That's what you get for raising such a smartie!

MJ said...

My home teacher told me on Sunday that he tells his kids at 6. After he left, K and I thought, "Man, that's cruel." The guy tried to explain that it was really fun for this 6 year old because he got to help be Santa the next year. Whatever, he only told him so that he would have extra help on Christmas eve setting up gifts. Lame! I think there is an extent both ways. It's good to let your children believe to a degree. If you go to dkaz's blog, and read her "oh what a tangled web we weave" you will see the other end of the spectrum of crazy parents. Just kidding dkaz.

Peterson Family said...

If Lily can comprehend the fact that this particular Santa is just a helper, then I see nothing wrong with that explanation. Especially if you feel she is observant enough to point out the differences in other Santa's, i.e. the last Santa was skinny, or taller that this one, etc..

We were told the 'Santa's Helper" story when we were little and we totally bought it! :)

Katie said...

Jacks asked me that same question just the other day and I told him the same thing you told Lil - that Santa can't be everywhere and that he has helpers. I can't believe the other parents panicked! Seems like more of a believable story to me than the alternative, that Santa is in every mall, at every preschool party, and at every ward Christmas shindig!! Jackson would think that was nuts.

MegaPPod said...

I'm not sure that even little kids believe that someone would ake a job at the mall, church, and as a homeless person, or someone trying to raise $$ for the homeless. I think the Santa's helper is the only reasonable explanation.

happy mom said...

I think it is best to go the more honest route which is what you did. Sam doesn't ask, he is young still but I am realizing he is head over heels into the whole santa thing. I am so nervous for the future, an aquantance has issues with the whole santa thing and won't let her kids believe because she was devistated when she found out in her teens! I don't remember it being an issue for me, but I can see it being one for my kids. I think I will head over to dkaz to see what she was talking about.