Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Random thoughts and things

#2 is obsessed with Halloween. Some of his first intelligible words were "spooky" "ghost" and "scary." This is a boy who isn't frightened by skeletons, haunting music or dark scenes. No, his fears are of mean people, yelling, and anger. I'm ok with that.

#3 has reached the imitation phase in her development. Putting on make-up, carrying a purse, putting on my high-heels..... all day long. Recently she picked up on baby dolls. I guess she doesn't think much of my mothering skills because she usually drags these babies by their hair and throws them across the room.

Yay for Mom! We were lucky to have my mom here for five days last week. She patiently read book after book that was brought to her before finally falling asleep with her mouth open.... just like she did when I was a girl. She folded my laundry, helped me with dinner, dishes and entertaining my kids. She made me feel like mom of the year with all her encouragement and praise. One night she watched the kids so Spouse and I could go out. (We went to Ghost Town.... highly recommend.) Unfortunately for her we don't have Fox News on our Dish Network, so she had to suffer through CNN, night after night. This is a lady who is calm, kind and patient. But when it comes to politics, (and BYU football) she knows her mind and speaks it... with much, er, passion.

My mom is perpetually cold. So she didn't even break a sweat on this warm day at the train park.

Should I feel guilty about keeping #1 home "sick" from school this day? She did have a fever of 101, but still had energy and besides, my mom was here!


Shawna said...

Mom visits are the best! I'm still waiting for my visit from mine this year. Your mom is beautiful and looks so young and spunky! How fun!

Jami said...

Your mom still looks great as ever. How fun to have her around for a while.

Cygnus said...

ha ha ha ha! you let your kid play hookey. that's awesome. you DO get mom of the year!!!! :)

hey, do you guys ever go to any coyotes games?

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I found your blog through Megan's and I love it. How much fun you are. Hugs, Bobbi Jo-QC, AZ

Ali said...

How fun to have your mom there! What was the occasion? Your kids are darling and I've been meaning to ask you what you are doing to look so darn good? I mean, I no longer have baby as an excuse (it's been a long time since i've had the babe as an excuse) so be honest... even if you tell me you never eat and only drink exlax...

Peterson Family said...

How fun! What a nice Mom you have. I haven't been to the Train Park since last year... it's to go again! My boys love that place. Remember when we saw Dan Marjlie there?? I totally freaked! :) So fun...

Jacqui said...

I second Ali's question. What are you doing to look so lithe and fit? I could use some inspiration!

Cute family!! Love those mama's.

Sweating in the endless heat said...

So fun! Your mom does looks SO young, especially since she had so many kids! Your children are SO dang cute, I love how #2 is so into Halloween, my #2 is the same way:) Hope you have a great conference weekend!

birdie said...

How fun to have your mom here! I actually go home for a visit in a few weeks and am looking forward to a little mom time.

MegaPPod said...

I love your mom. Maybe she can come and stay with me for a few days while my mom is on her mission ; )