Saturday, March 20, 2010

More kid Star Wars humor

As I was traveling in the car with all three children I overheard #1 and #2 talking about Star Wars. They had decided that they were Princess Leia and Luke, respectively. I asked them, "If you are Princess Leia and you are Luke then what does that make #3?"

They debated for a few moments between R2-D2 and an Ewok. The verdict? #3 is R2-D2.

The assigning of Star Wars roles continued. It was determined since #1 was Princess Leia and #2 was Luke then it was only natural that Spouse would be Darth Vader. Many asthmatic, Vader-like breaths followed.

Seeing an opportunity to promote myself in my children's eyes I decided to probe this developing scenario further. I coyly pointed out, "So. If you are Princess Leia and you are Luke and Daddy is Darth Vader, that would make me Queen Amidala." Bat, bat, bat my eyelashes.

With a grunt of disgust #1 replied, "Ugh. No. You're C-3PO."

So there you have it folks. I'm the annoying, know it all, wimpy but sometimes loveable C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.


DKAZ said...


Evelyn said...


Jami said...

I'm thinking my kids have been neglected. Not sure they have seen an entire Star Wars episode yet.

Tara and Brigham said...

haha I love it! Those cute kids...

Emily said...

Jen- I met one of your brother's old friends on this singles cruise I went on a couple months ago-- he said he had a big crush on you back in the day...wants to see if you'd remember him. *but, I should email you, just to keep him semi-anonymous .. ha ha..* Email me so I can get your email address

Evgenii said...

I don't care if you are fluent in more than 3000 languages and dialects but do you speak bochee?

MJ said...

You do look like C3P0. Sorry. ;)