Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday #3

You can tell a baby is your 3rd child if she:

Has fallen off the bed

Has no scrapbook to prove her mother's love

Has sat in a run-away grocery cart as is cruised down the sloped parking lot

Wears hand-me-downs almost exclusively

Drinks cow milk before her 1st birthday

Gets wrestled by her big brother without crying

Generally gets ignored and is unappreciated

My sweet #3 turned one. She is a happy gem, smiling and laughing easily. Right from the start she's been easy to please, sleeping and eating like a champ. Now she stands and walks along the furniture but hasn't dared more than a step or two unassisted. She takes evil delight in playing in toilet water and laughs uninhibitedly when I tickle and pretend to eat her fat rolls. She is a joy.

Here she is pre-cake


birdie said...

Happy Birthday, Ava!! I love the smashing of the cake into the face. That cakes looks delish.

MJ said...

I doubt that's the first time she's had cake. The joy of having more kids and realizing that all those studies, the ones that come out every other year contradicting the previous ones, are all just hogwash. I love that I am not as neurotic with my #2.

Happy Birthday #3! She seriously reminds me of Avery.

Katie said...

Oh my gosh! She LOVED her cake! Way to go #3. I love #1's hamburger flopping around in the background.

MegaPPod said...

What a cutie. I think she is lucky to be so loved by so many. Just think, #1 was only loved by you and hubby until others came along.

Audrey said...

I am laughing at all of your descriptions of #3 child knowing how true those sound. Some of those even qualify for #2 at my house--does that make me a slacker mom?

Jami said...

Poor #3. Some day she and Caymbree can get together and talk about how much they were neglected, how they always had to wear hand-me-downs, and got picked on by their siblings. I'm pretty sure there is a support group for this.
By the way she went after her cake I think it would be safe to add to your list "She has eaten cake multiple times before her first birthday." Am I right?

Evecall said...

You forgot to add has a bottle or binky until their 3 1/2. Not potty trained until their 4. Sleeps in a crib until their 3 1/2. Isn't encouraged to walk until 14 months. Don't even know their letters until they go to Kindergarten, etc. Wait maybe this is just me?

Cara and Terry said...

I can't believe how much she looks like Lily. what a cutie! Wow...already 1. Where does the time go. Happy Birthday Ava :-)

Jacqui said...

FUnny comments and I loved the video. How do you do the music over? I am so technologically disadvantaged...

DKAZ said...

Where have I been!??! Didn't even see this. I love it. She is so fun and yes, she has always seemed so easy going and sweet.