Thursday, August 21, 2008

princess party

What do you do when almost all your friends are in school all day, all the summer activities have ended and your action-packed brother is in preschool four afternoons a week? Naturally, you plan a princess party.

If you can't read picto-script, the above plan details things like a pign (or a picnic), sede (or cd's), a treasure hunt and "pin the donkey on the tail." As you can see, since only the G is circled that only girls are invited.

At #1's request, all things must be pink or purple (except for the pizzas).

Don't you think that 'pin the hat on the princess' is a little more appropriate than 'pin the donkey on the tail?'

[Note: look forward to my schooling dilemma update.]


Levanger Family said...

How fun! You are such a fun and creative mom!

Jami said...

Yes I am anxiously awaiting your school news. Didn't work out too well did it? I love all of the planning on #1's behalf. Too fun.

And, just got the mom of the week award.

birdie said...

You're so creative, JL. What a cute idea! I bet those girls loved it.