Friday, November 14, 2008

nerdy thirties

I used to think I would always be hip and with-it and never, ever, ever fall into the easy trap of the nerdy thirties. Yet, here I am, approaching the big 3-1 and it's only getting worse. My clothes are getting closer and closer to vintage; my taste in music is stuck in the 80's and 90's; my hair style hasn't changed in years. I AM A NERDY THIRTY! Please don't start thinking of a nice, sympathetic comment to write. This isn't one of those "I'm fat" - "No! You're not fat" things. This is the best (or worst) part of being a nerdy thirty..... I DON'T CARE! Maybe this is the joy that comes with getting older, you just care less and less. Hence, you get nerdier, and nerdier. One day you find yourself wearing comfortable, stretch-waist-band pants and nurse shoes and you have arrived at complete care-less-ness.

The good thing is that you have hopefully replaced all those material, worldly cares with real things like children, grandchildren, spirituality, giving, and bingo.

This conversation is what forced me to take a good look in the proverbial mirror (not the real, wriggle-ridden reflection):

#1: Why are you wearing that?

me: (on my way out of the house for some errands) What do you mean? Wearing what?

#1: Those clothes? Why aren't you wearing your normal clothes?

me: My normal clothes? What are my normal clothes?

#1: You know...(thinking).... your pajamas.

Oh, I have so arrived at not caring.


Jami said...

Oh it happens to the best of us. Welcome to nerdville.

daisy said...

That's great. My favorite is when my 2 year old says, "Mommy, church?" whenever I put on a skirt. I guess I don't dress up enough.

Jacqui said...

Oh, man. I laughed my way through this one! So true. I was just thinking today that I need to move past my two pair of jeans, 100 Shade shirts and two velour sweat suits.

But, I just don't care. And it's more fun to dress the kids anyway. I do like the post. Nerdy Thirties. That has a ring to it. I think I just might have to copy/paste this onto my blog sometime soon. Hilarious. Truly hilarious.

Amy said...

ha! I love it! we have GOT to stick together........ why can't we wear our jammies to the store? oh wait.... I do ---- because, like you said, I seriously don't care. oh! hats are my new thing. . . they work WONDERS!!!

MJ said...

What happens when your nerdy thirties happen in your twenties? What would you call that? I can imagine by the time I'm thirty, it will be even worse. Is there a point when you plateau or can I consider myself going down hill from here on out.

Audrey said...

Love it, love the whole post. I relate to every single word! I don't care that I love the 80s & 90s music either! Should I? Don't you find yourself hearing a lot of the popular songs today and think, "What is this crap?" Yep, you're old!

Sweating in the endless heat said...

Too funny! I am like mj though, I started in my twenties and have just gotten worse! Oh well, I love being comfortable, but I know you said that you didn't need any sympathetic words, but you are the last person I would've thought of as nerdie, especially with clothing! You really do always look fabulous, even in your pj's. My pj's that I wear to the store are striped red and white horizontal pants! You at least have cute yoga looking ones:-)

Ali said...

Ha, ha. That's totally me! I was doing hair on a week day and Jake looked at me puzzled. "Are we going to church, mom?" Ha! I guess I AM lazy and I DON'T care. Doing my hair is reserved for Sundays, I guess.

Cara and Terry said...

I love not caring. Life is much more enjoyable this way. By the way.. I thought the 80's and 90's music was still considered "cool"?? Did I miss the boat on that one? Hmmm.

DKAZ said...

I use to say-if it's too loud, you're too old! Umm...anything that isn't played on 98.7 is too loud for me these days. I love peace and quiet...I feel nerdy even using those terms.
It's sad because I get a daily dose of "eating my words". There are so many things that in my mid-twenties I swore I would never do and ta-da! Do em' every day.

birdie said...

Love it, (but yet sigh every time I look in the mirror these days...)

Come on, though! Thirties are so fab, too. We get an excuse to wear elastic pants and that is pretty darn great.

Anonymous said...

hahha, love it.

it's worst when you hit 35:)