Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Things you can learn by reading this blog---amended

1. If you see a large red dvd vending machine, do not assume it is a Redbox machine. It could be DVDPlay. If you return a DVDPlay movie into a Redbox machine you will find out exactly 51 nights later by way of an email receipt for $51. If you call DVDPlay to explain, they will give you the bar code number for the lost dvd and tell you to call Redbox but not give you the phone number. They will also tell you that when the dvd is returned they will send you a $5 credit to be used at a DVDPlay vending machine where hopefully you will rent another movie and most likely return it to the wrong big red dvd vending machine and then they can send you another email receipt 51 nights later. You've heard of Ponzi schemes? Meet the DVDPlay scheme.

2. If you find a paperback chapter book called, "The Devilish Doughnut," please return it to me post haste. But I don't think you will since my house ate it. I don't blame the house, I love doughnuts too. But I do hate library fines. Especially hefty ones.

3. If you think that a certain calling (church assignment) has been issued and accepted, double check to make sure it has actually been issued and accepted before telephoning the presumed appointee and embarrassing self.

4. If you write a critical blog post about a dental office and happen to mention the attractive nature of some of the dentists, don't be surprised if his wife reads it and leaves you a cryptic comment 18 months later leading you to the surprising and embarrassing revelation that dentists are real people too.

5. If you don't read your invitation carefully, you may show up to a baby shower one week early.

***here is the link to the snarky dentist post. And just for clarification, the wife's comment was actually quite friendly and teasing. You can see it for yourself in the comments of this post and understand what I refer to as cryptic.


MJ said...

Awesome! I learn SO much from you.

Amy said...

numbers 1 through 4 = HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! oh how you make me laugh . . .

DKAZ said...

The last one made me cringe...

Jacqui said...

Oh no! I need to search for that blog post.

I think I paid $200 in library fines last year, no joke. Lost two, $75 (talked them down to $56). Very, very slight water damage on three lame kid's books, $55. Eight DVD's, two days late, $16.

And so on, and so forth, but those are real examples.

WE have sworn off the library. My brain can't handle taking care of things anymore.

Unknown said...

Ouch. Careful, though, she might still be reading your blog. :) Oh, and DVDplay is most likely splitting the human error profits with Redbox in a little known conspiracy.

Jami said...

Wow. Impressive life lessons you've got going on right now. Thanks for sharing.

Erin A said...

Yes, I've learned #3 and #5 the hard way! I wish I had learned them from you instead.

I just spent 10 mintues trying to find the old post about the dentist--which I loved--only to find the disgruntled wife's comments not posted. PLEASE! The curiousity is going to kill me! (:

MJ said...

That's funny because I searched for it too. Thanks for the addendum to find the comment. What's even crazier is that I know someone that is good friends with that family. I saw them on her blog. Fun stuff! Did you get a free dentist cleaning?

Peterson Family said...

I wanna read it too!! That is hilarious!

I would be a little 'digruntled' too if I found out my husband was coming off overly 'friendly' with his clients. The truth hurts.

I loved this post. I thought I had it bad with $6 worth of fines at the library. Thanks for the heads up on the 'red box'... that is RIDICULOUS!! I am SURE you are NOT the first person to make that mistake, they could be a LITTLE forgiving... sheesh.