Friday, May 10, 2013

On the eve of her 6th birthday

I was starting to think #3 was going to be one of those 8 year olds with training wheels. Despite having received a bike from Santa, there was just no motivation to learn. I tried to manufacture motivation by offering rewards. Candy, donuts, extra computer time, a movie date were all turned up; the value not high enough to confront her fear of falling.

After expressing my frustration to a friend she wisely counseled, "Oh, everyone has a price. You just need to figure out what will really motivate her."

Friends. That was it! So I bribed her with play dates for every practice session. After a month and a half, yesterday she finally figured how to balance and rode unaided on and off for about a half hour.

As the wind whipped through her hair she squealed, "I LOVE this! I'm going to ride every day!"

Today we got out an old, smaller bike so she could work on her turns and stops. A chunky baby and a shy 10 year old came to witness what we all thought would never happen: #3 riding (happily) riding a bike!


Katie said...

Yay! There's nothing that compares to the freedom of learning to ride a bike. My Lola will not learn. . . she is 6 1/2 and still horrified to even try. She rides all over on her training wheels, but gets panicky and crazy every time we practice on the dinky bike with no training wheels. I have bribed her with so many things. . . because I know how happy she'll be when she conquers this! Someday. . .

Tara and Brigham said...

Yay! Go #3! :)

MegaPPod said...

It is so exciting to watch the payoff after the struggle. So fun to see them proud of themselves!