Here are the beginnings of my very first tomatoes!! Aren't they beautiful? They'll be even more beautiful when they're big and red and chopped up into salsa. Or tomato sauce. Or sliced onto my pizza.... I can't wait!
I'm also growing this girl. She is almost as excited for our "potatoes" as I am! She has been my little garden pal. Helping me water and always begging to plant more seeds. Today I acquiesced and let her dump a packet of zinnnias around the corner of our plot. (I hear they do well here?)
Another thing growing is this lovely girl:
Then on Friday night she won a goldfish at the school carnival. She was so excited I didn't have the heart to burst her bubble, because there was no way we were bringing that fish home. We are a pet free home! I whispered as much to Spouse. "We've got to get rid of this thing before we leave tonight."
I left the family to retrieve the jeep which I had had to park a few blocks away. When I pulled up to the pick up curb you can imagine my horror at finding #1 carrying not one goldfish bag, but TWO goldfish bags.
As she climbed into the jeep she chattered excitedly about the nice lady who told Daddy to take her son's fish because there was no way she was bringing home.
And that is how our family acquired our first pet(s). {Unless you count the cricket we captured and held hostage for a week before it almost died and I let it go while the kids were at school because I felt bad for it.}
Meet Joe and Spot.
Here is something else growing at our house.
The above picture was taken Friday. The below picture was taken this afternoon. Can you spot the difference?
Yup. He is changing too fast.
Those are some beautiful AZ home grown things!
How many tomato plants did you plant? Did I ever tell you about the summer we were living with my parents and my little sister planted 18 tomato plants? Oh boy!
So sorry about the fish! Here's to hoping they accidently get over-fed or flushed to the fish heaven.
We are a pet-free zone too. Much to my boys' sadness. The older one said, "When I'm ten I'm going to ask you for a pet, but I know you'll say no..." because I told him there is no way in *&%& we're getting a pet because I don't want to take care of it/clean up after it. And because I hate animals.
He also informed me he's going to have to borrow a parrot from the pet store so he can perform his "animal training" talent at the school talent show -- since I won't let him get one.
Love your garden!
We were a pet free zone too until someone gave my child a FISH for their birthday present a few years ago. I secretly prayed for the thing to die every day! One day it wasn't looking so hot and while the girl and I watched it turned belly up right before our eyes! The girls were freaking out so I got it out and performed a little CPR (gentle finger pulses MINUS the mouth to mouth). Not sure what I was thinking but that dang thing came back to life and lived for quite a while!!! So...good luck with your fish :)
(By the way we are now the proud owners of mulitiple fish in a Real fish tank)
I couldn't have entrusted my husband with the woeful task of breaking my daughter's heart, either.
I'm so jealous of your tomatoes...especially with the 6 inches of freshly fallen snow we're enjoying for Speing Break!
Your kids are beautiful, and growing up way too fast! I was thinking this week of our trip to visit when Jacks and your #1 were babies. Sure doesn't seem like 8 years ago!
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