Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Sarah Palin in me

With Sarah Palin being fresh on my mind, (how could it not, given the news of the last few weeks?) I've often wondered how she holds it together? Her accomplishments, her family, her beauty (how does she have time to work out?) - how does she keep going? And what about all the negative attention? If I'd received one of the public criticisms she's been getting I would crawl under a rock and slink back to Alaska. She's a woman. I'm a woman. What is so inherently different between us that she keeps it together and I'm always on the verge of a meltdown? When I find myself in a potential break down moment, I find myself wondering, "What would Sarah Palin do?"

I found myself in one such moment on Wednesday trying to get out the door for our newly ressurected park day (see previous post). In order to pick up my friend on time at 10 am I had gotten up a little earlier than usual to make sure my house work was finished before I packed lunches, towels, water and then the kids into the car. Feeling proud of myself for having made it happen, I backed out of the garage at 9:50 with enough time to spare to grab a diet coke. (I love the McDonald's summer savings: $1.00 for a large soft drink. It's still summer here.)

But the garage door wouldn't go down. Inspecting the door lead me to discover that the top wheel had come out of the track and the top corner of the garage door was hanging limply in mid air. I did what any woman would do... panic! Spouse was on the phone within a minute trying to get me to explain in his terms exactly what the problem was. "You know, that little wheel is not where it's supposed to be. It's hanging down! No, I can't fix it. It's broken! You want me to what?!? I will not get a ladder and hammer! It's greasy and I'm sweating. It's hot and I'm in my swimsuit. This is a man's job! No, I will not stop crying! Now I'm late and I was supposed to pick up ---- 10 minutes ago. #3 is screaming in the car!"

Then something came over me. Reason triumphed over emotion. The only way I could leave my house is if I fixed the problem. As impossible as it seemed, I knew what I had to do.... or at least get greasy and sweaty trying. Keeping the self pity choked down was almost as hard as dragging the ladder and hammering and bending the steel of the garage door track. I held the heavy door up with my bare shoulder so I could work. I pushed. I pulled. I sweated. After 15 minutes and one final pound, the wheel budged into the track. I had fixed it! I wanted to ROAR! These Peggy Lee lyrics came to my mind:

I can wash out 44 pairs of socks and have 'em hangin out on the line
I can starch & iron 2 dozens shirts 'fore you can count from 1 to 9
I can scoop up a great big dipper full of lard from the drippins can
Throw it in the skillet, go out & do my shopping, be back before it melts in the pan
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again

This is what Sarah Palin must do everyday, over and over again. No wonder she is confident! Maybe I'll run for PTA office someday. And then maybe I'll go for the city council and who knows, it could be me oneday becoming a mayor. Perhaps I'll shoot for the moon and get elected governor and then some crusty old man will need me, ME, to help him get elected President. But I don't want all that. I just want to have a Sarah Palin moment once or twice a week; a reason to roar and pound my chest and then go inside and saute some onions for dinner.


MegaPPod said...

It's great to feel capable, and regardless of whether she is the one to break the glass ceiling or not, Palin certainly is a role model for managing a family and being involved in her community.

DKAZ said...

Now if they'll just stop photoshopping pics of your head on some scantily-clad woman's body holding a rifle, you're set. I feel your pain-like everyday.

Hooray, for the temperature drop from 199 to only's so nice to send kids outside again!

Shawna said...

I have to admit, it's nice to know you have those days too. I have you on a pedestal thinking you walk around your home everyday in an apron with birds chirping all day long outside your windows, even when it's 115 outside!
I've always thought you're an amazing mom and you always seem to have it together, even if you just got done hammering a dang garage door back on track. I'm sure you did it with much dignity and made it look easy!

Jami said...

Congrats on conquering the garage door. I am truly impressed. And by the get my vote for PTA president, city council, or whatever else you decide to do :)

MJ said...

Nicely put Shawna. I won't get worried until she blogs about Spouse making dinner and doing the laundry.

Peterson Family said...

GO PALIN... I have often thought about the critizism she and her family must be taking. They didn't ask to be put under the microscope, but it's all apart of the job (I suppose). That's got to stink. She caries herself SOOOO confidently and gracefully that I am so impressed by her. Nice post.

Oh, and I can't get over that look of PURE EXCITMENT on #3's face in that first photo... ADORABLE!

Evecall said...

I totally understand what you are saying..with a husband who travels so often there have been many things that I have had to figure out on my own. Don't get me wrong there are still those MAN jobs that I leave till the weekend when he is home i.e changing the lightbulbs, anything to do with electronics, and most of the outside work BUT sometimes I have to just suck it up and do it anyways! We are awesome women, right? I agree with the Sarah Palin part she is one TOUGH woman and no way could I put up with all of the criticizm- jeesh they need to give it a rest those so called tolerant Liberals.

Cara and Terry said...

Wow! The garage door. That's SOME acomplishment. I fixed the sprinkler system the other day and felt like driving to Phoenix to brag to Terry about the trouble I saved him. Of course gas would have cost $20, so I didn't, but still...Rock on with your bad self!! Good work!

happy mom said...

You go WOMAN!

Megan said...

Amen Sister