Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Thanksgiving

Please indulge me while I experiment with my new (birthday) camera:

Cornbread drying for the stuffing. I grew up eating cornbread stuffing and Thanksgiving just isn't right using regular bread crumbs.

Apple pie with crumb topping

The before the feast, feast. Only kids and stuffed animals invited.

All my food, displayed for your viewing pleasure.

Yes, that is #2 tearing into a turkey leg.

Not to be outdone, #1 claimed a leg.

5 hours of cooking. 20 minutes of eating. 60 minutes of cleaning.

While we were cleaning up, #3, 2 and 1 were making a fort in #2's closet. As a child I remember getting into all kinds of mischief during that restless period of time between the turkey and the pie, while the adults were oblivious chatting and cleaning up.


Esther said...

looks like you had a nice Thanksgiving. Btw, I have a Berenstain Bears book in my van and I don't know if it is #1's school book or #1's carpool buddy?

Jami said...

Wow! I am so impressed. I think I would have just taken the family to McDonalds and called it good.

MegaPPod said...

Looks like so much fun. I love Thanksgiving. Happy Birthday btw! Looks like a great birthday present and should provide all your readers with some pleasure as well. Happy turkey day.

Jacqui said...

Somehow I remember that mischief, too. :)

moomycoz said...

Did you get some help cleaning up? If not, it's time to start the "men clean up" tradition. Spouse and #2 should be able to handle that. Dinner looks delicious, everyone looks super content and happy.