No crazy stories today. Just the opposite. Something I am totally proud about my community:
The soccer league!
It is well organized by a couple of friendly, funny, yet professional dudes in our area. The league is super family friendly and emphasizes participation and fun rather than competition and fine-tuned skills. There is a place for that, (like the republican party) but it's not for my inhibited 7 year old or my beginner 4 year old. The coaches are just dads and moms trying to give the kids a positive experience. Maybe everyone is this happy about their soccer leagues, I don't know. But I just love ours!
#2 is the smiling blond boy
I mean, look at #1's form. So wrong! Her confidence would have been immediately shattered had an aggressive coach tried to correct her.
Human tunnel to celebrate the win.....or loss.....who cares! they don't keep score! (what 'progressives')
#1 is the blond in the pig tails - not the blond with the super long braids
seriously, look how happy those kids are.
Super Happy! I saw a similar look on my husband's face last night when they called it for Brown. Super Happy!
Sounds like a great soccer league. How do you hear about things going on in our community like that. Is there a news letter I'm not getting?? I love your blog!
Holly Hoopes
Soccer in JANUARY???? Chalk that one up to one more perk of where you live. Glad the kiddos are having so much fun!
I totally agree, the Soccer league is awesome and so is the field we get to play at. I love seeing you run there in the morning! You look awesome in your pants ;)
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