Friday, March 14, 2008

Glimpses from the week

Here is #2 after begrudgingly submitting to wearing underpants for a grand total of 4 minutes (in order to receive a chocolate cupcake). His mode of choice is a la nude. And for those of you who happened to see a certain picture, in a certain post last week (was it chocolate, was is mud?) please know that we are dealing with complex issues here.

Aah, so clean, so pink. My beauties, #1 and #3.

#2 transforms into a merman whenever he attempts to dress himself.

#1 was invited not to a birthday party, not a play date, but none other than a fancy shmancy princess tea party. At the last minute in a wave of doubt she asked me if Tinkerbell is considered to be a princess. Yes, she's a fairy princess.

As if a half a cup of oatmeal, an entire banana and an 8 ounce bottle weren't enough breakfast, #3 still had to top things off with a dirty sock.


Jami said...

They are so cute. I need to see them in person. Any trips to Utah scheduled? There is a slight (and I hope really slight) chance we are coming to Arizona...permanantly.

birdie said...

I love your kiddos - they are so funny. I especially love the cute photo of #1 and #3 - so sweet.

Sounds like things are coming along just swimmingly w/ the #2 and the undies. Love that potty training:)