Sunday, June 8, 2008


My fellow bloggers, do you find yourself constantly considering the blogworthiness of your daily experiences? Is that funny thing your kid said funny enough to make it to the blog? Or was your day horrible enough to mention on your blog? Please say I'm not the only one mentally sorting the experiences in my life into blog or non-blog categories. There is a certain level of humor or grossness or importance that must be reached in order to make it onto the blogisphere..... right?

(I've determined that this next tid-bit is indeed blogworthy) So tonight Spouse cracked a funny joke at dinner. The missionaries were eating with us and as we were getting to know them one of them mentioned that he is the great-grandson of Clark Gable. Without missing a beat, Spouse says in a very serious voice, "Frankly, Elder G_ I don't give a damn." Elder G_'s face went white, there was silence around the table. Apparently Elder G_ was not familiar with his great-grandfather's infamous quote. After a few awkward moments of Spouse trying to legitimize his joke, there were a few chuckles and it was over.

After the missionaries left Spouse and I were re-playing the Clark Gable scene from dinner. We laughed about it and then Spouse says, "So are you going to write about this on your blog?" WHAT?!? PUH-lease! What presumption! It just wasn't anywhere near being blogworthy, so I just laughed off his suggestion, hoping he would let it go. But he went on, "You know, you could start a weekly column about all the funny things I say!" HA!

{I'm seriously laughing really hard right now I can barely type}

Oh Spouse, I love you. But I just don't think there is enough (blogworthy) material to make a regular weekly post. However, if you keep this up, I might just have to make a weekly post about the "funny" things you say.


Amy said...

how does Elder G_ NOT know that quote? even I knew that.

that is quite funny. I forgot how funny MJ is. even funnier that he wanted you to blog it.

and yes, I too do the blogworthiness measure on a daily basis. to blog or not to blog??? ... all day long. it makes life quite exciting........

daisy said...

Blogworthiness? Of course. Have you noticed how long it has been since I have posted a new entry? Funny MJ. Keep posting!

birdie said...

That is hilarious. I can't believe he doesn't know that quote - that's like classic Americana!

Andy thinks spouses' idea to have a weekly column is a great idea. In fact, he asked if I would do the same for him w/ our blog. I just laughed!

DKAZ said...

When I was initially cheering you on to to start your blog I thought you had plenty of good subject matter to choose from with only your spouse let alone your kids. I could personally write a few posts about your spouse myself...(imagine in slo-mo) L..I..L..Y! W..A..T..C..H.... O..U..T!!! Definitely blog worthy.

And, yes-now when you see the disaster your kids have left you in the bathroom you pause first to think about the visual aid to your blog post before you clean it up-it's kinda sick.

One of my favs is still the boxing match-you just don't get visuals like that everyday! LOL!

Katie said...

Oh, how I can see Spouse saying such a thing! It reminds me of eating at Mexican restaurants with you and spouse and him ordering his double rice, no beans thing. He explains things so funny - it just makes me laugh!

We need to hang out!

Audrey said...

Honestly, like your friend Amy here said, how in the heck could he honestly be related to the guy and be unfamiliar with that quote? Not only is that his most famous quote, I can't think of a single other quote he's known for. I think next time this guy comes to your house, you oughta make him bring his genealogy chart with him. You know those missionaries will say anything to get you to commit to something.

Ali said...

That is hilarious! What a funny thing to boast about when he doesn't even know the famous line! And I love the awkward silence after... I'm cracking up imagining it.

Mindy said...

If I did the blogworthiness measure I may not even have any posts. That is why your blog is interesting to read even to a complete stranger. I mainly blog for my parents, so most everything would be blogworthy to them- boring to everyone else.

That story really is so funny, though! That was so quick, MJ. He's always been hilarious. We were just watching our wedding video and he was cracking jokes and making everyone laugh at our wedding breakfast.

MJ said...

I totally do the blogworthiness thing, as evidenced by the fact that I blog about my child's fascination with his poop. Who takes pictures of poop-smeared walls? That's right, me...for the blog.

I really think you should do the weekly column about spouse. Start with the story about when he was locked out of the house.

Cara and Terry said...

Ya know...if I could figure out a decent way to present funny or cute weekly events and tidbits from the kids, I would...but I too spend a lot of time sorting throuhg blogworthy things. Considering this is basically our family journal, I should blog everthing I can possibly remember, as I'll probably look back on this in a few years and laugh at all the funny little things I didn't tink were blogworthy then, but would love to remember later...