Monday, June 23, 2008

Tribute to Spouse on his 31st Birthday

Dear Spouse,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

You're always a gentleman. I just re-discovered a letter you sent my parents before this date (Senior Ball) informing them of our plans and thanking them for their lovely daughter. The detailed itinerary ended at 6:00am the following morning with "a sunrise breakfast." P.S. my parents didn't go for it, but never-the-less appreciated the attempt.

You make people laugh. In this picture you had just broken your ankle and were in terrible pain, but you were still hanging out at the Thanksgiving table, goofing off.

I'm way into hot pirates.

You're a great partner in the delivery room.... and in every other endeavor we've attempted. It's your clear thinking mixed with your uncanny ability to stay calm under any situation. You're loyal and committed; a true friend.

"Work smarter not harder". Actually you work pretty hard too. But you think so creatively, coming up with faster, better ways to do things - always looking for improvements. Whoo Hooo! One of the best days of our life in this picture.

You take good care of your babies. And that includes me.

And many, many more ways.

Happy Birthday


daisy said...

Happy Birthday, MJ! Cute pictures by the way.

DKAZ said...

Feliz Cumpleanos Matteo! You always have us laughing!

birdie said...

Happy Bday Spouse! I especially love the dance photo - so posed.

Jami said...

Oh I can't stop laughing about the Senior Ball picture. Seems like that was just yesterday doesn't it? Happy Birthday Matt!

MegaPPod said...

Happy B-Day MJ, and great catch JLJ.

Amy said...

I am late... as always --

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MJ! Hope it was a great day. you guys look so cute in the senior ball picture!