Saturday, October 4, 2008

Family Halloween Party

I bribed the children into good behavior for a few weeks by dangling a family Halloween party in front of their noses. Sharing, obedience and clean rooms were rewarded with candy corn going into a jar. About a week before the scheduled party I realized that they were never going to fill the jar because those darn candy corn are just too small! (And I found out that while my mom was here she was sneaking handfuls out of it, undoing days worth of good behavior!) Then everything was getting rewarded. Oh, you slept in your bed all night? That's 10 candy corn. Oh, you kept your pants dry last night? 8 candy corn for you. That was a nice hug, how 'bout 5 candy corn.

The anticipated party was October 1st. I had promised much more than I delivered on. But kids are gullible. You say the word party and somehow that makes even the simplest activities seem fun. So our "party" was merely the decorating of Halloween cookies, dancing around like ghosts to spooky music and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. That movie is so bizarre.

Here we are "partying" like it was 1999:

#2's idea of a perfect cookie: minimal frosting, maximum sprinkles and candy toppings

I really was in a partying mood. I let #3 have a go at decorating a.k.a. flinging frosting and cookie crumbs across the kitchen.

My spooky pajama ghosts:


Sweating in the endless heat said...

Man I wish you were my mom! it looks like a fun party and I loved how #2 was so into the decorating!

Jacqui said...

That is the perfect party. Truly, I love it!

Jami said...

This is the story of my life with our marble jars. I am always manipulating the situation so that it works out with my schedule. Lame I know...just don't tell them.

You're on the ball. Halloween party on day ONE of October. Guess that means you are now off the hook for the rest of the month. Smart thinking.

DKAZ said...

You're ambitious. I am just starting to think about maybe breaking out my craftiness and start decorating. I try to play it down cuz our decorations consist of the kids' pumpkins and an orange and black chain made out of construction paper. That is, if I decide to make one.

Peterson Family said...

Love it! Looks like fun! Yummy cookies... :)

MegaPPod said...

I'm impressed with moms that throw random and unexpected parties. I can barely get it together for birthdays. Looks like fun!

birdie said...

What a fun idea! I love it - what better way to kick off the best month of the year :)

Ali said...

Great idea. You're a fun mom. Kids don't care what they do as long as it's a party.

Little Dame said...

Wendy took the words right out of my mouth! When we were little my mom would do cookie parties for Christmas . . . good times!

happy mom said...

sometimes you just need a smaller jar, or you should through candy in the jar at night while they sleep, those are my tricks! we will be painting pumpkins soon, the kids can't wait! that is great that you did this!