A great race on a beautiful morning. Spouse and the kids hung out at the starting line with me for a little while, collecting goodies from all sponsors, eating cliff bars and bananas, and then headed out to stake out a good 1st viewing spot. I had about 20 minutes before the gun so I hit the restrooms, only to find a LONG line for the ladies. I decided to take my chance in the line; better to lose a couple minutes up front than have to wait in a porta-john line 4 miles down the road. The line went quickly, but even still when I came out I could see the count down and I only had 33 seconds before the gun. So I jogged to the very back of the line, shedding my sweatshirt and ditching it in the gravel, and trying to put my ear-buds in. The gun went off, and the shuffling to the starting line began. By the time I made it to the starting line I was already 1:33 behind. Too bad we didn't have timing chips.
My strategy was to keep it slow for the first 4-5 miles then get into a comfortable pace. There is so much adreneline at the beginning it's hard to keep your excitment abated and not speed up. So that's what I did. However, I was so paranoid about not getting carried away, I think I held back a little too much. More of that later. It was fun to come around a bend and see Spouse and the kids cheering me on. Even #3 was clapping!
During this slow section I kept thinking how diverse the running crowd is. If I've learned one thing about runners it is that you can't judge performance by appearance. There was this girl at the starting line looking pretty serious about the race, totally decked out in hard-core running gear, doing lunges and high knee kicks. She was thin and muscley, totally fit. I thought "That's a real runner there. Not a poser like me." Ha ha ha. I came in 15 minutes ahead of her. Eat that, skinny girl! But then, I was beat by 89 year old Erik Johnson and a crippled woman.
The first 3 miles were torture. So slow. So crowded. So boring. I just wanted to get things going. Around mile 4 I couldn't stand it any longer and just let it go. At about mile 5.5 the race leaders started passing us on the way back (this was a there and back course). This was hugely motivating - especially since the 4th person to pass on the way back was a woman! The turn around was at 6.5 miles. I felt really good so I thought, what the heck, and increased my pace a bit more. I ran through all the water stations, just throwing the water in my face and catching some in my mouth. At about mile 8 Spouse handed me some gatorade, which was super helpful, because the race only provided water, no energy.
I still felt really good and when I passed the 10 mile marker I realized that I had held back too much at the beginning because I still had a ton of energy. So I picked up my pace a bit more, no sense leaving anything behind. I was able to keep up this faster pace through the last 2 mile stretch which was all uphill. Spouse and the kids passed me on the road, honking and yelling which made me so excited to get to the finish line. As I came to the crest of the last hill, I could see the finish line and the timer and my heart fell. I had really wanted to come in under two hours (I know for all you serious runners, Daisy, McCall....whoever else, this seems like a wimpy goal. But for me it was a challenge, yet acheivable). I thought, "Oh well, I guess my faster pace really wasn't that fast afterall." The timer said 2:14. I wasn't wiped out; in fact I felt great! I was a little bummed because I felt like I could have run faster those first few miles and acheived my goal.
After a few gatorades, and bananas, we started heading for the car when I heard over the loud speaker, "Half marathon runners, remember to subtract ten minutes from your time." Whoo hoo! I had forgotten that we had started 10 minutes after the 5K on the same timer. Even though I still hadn't made my goal, at least this was much better! The official results were posted yesterday and my official time was 2:03. I was 22nd in my age division out of 60 and 295 overall out of 589.
Spouse was juggling three kids and trying to get to four different viewing points so he only mangaed to take these two, before and after, pictures. Not like I'd post pictures of me running anyway. And for those readers who've been with me since last year, you'll be happy to notice that I finally got some new running clothes! Thank you Target!
Good for you, that's awesome! I swear one day I am going to be able to run for a minute without feeling like I am going to faint!
I hope the final picture was taken 35 minutes after the race because that clock in the background doesn't lie.
Good job with your accomplishment. I hope it went better than your first race out after #3.
And it's sure nice to see your pretty new gear. Now we know it's a different race, rather than the same pictures of the same race, posted months apart.
Hey way to go! Did you run it alone? Sounds like it. That's really good, especially for doing it alone. I get so bored alone. Anyway, way to go! Maybe when we llive closer we can meet up and do some races together.
Way to go! Didn't you feel so amazing after crossing that finish line? It made me cry I felt so good!
Huge accomplishment - good job!
So, are you ready for a full?
Under 2 hours is a great goal. And sounds like you have to do another one and speed up a bit, since you have lots of energy at the end. And I'm with Katie, are you ready for a full now? Come do St. George next October!
Way to go, JL!! That's awesome. Seriously, it is an inspiration, and I'm already marking my calendar and brushing off the running shoes once we get this baby boy outta the oven.
you ROCK. I am so jealous. I can't even run through the Target parking lot. hey maybe I will buy some cute running clothes in Target and then practice running in the parking lot?
seriously though... that is awesome.
You're gonna look amazing....in your size 2 bikini's that you bought online-modest bikinis of course.
Got your message-Thanks so much! It was so good to hear a familiar voice. I will call you.
JL-seriously-great job on the half!
Congrats! I wish I were a runner! These long legs should be put to good use but eh...I just had a baby :) Way to Go!
WOO HOO! I am so proud of you! I think your time is amazing and wish I could run that fast and had extra energy after a race like that! You are AMAZING!
Congratulations! I'm very impressed that you find the time to train. You look great!
Wow, good for you! You are such an amazing mom, and you still find time to work out! Good for you! And amazing to finish in the top 3rd!
Way to go girl! I wish I was a runner! That is a huge accomplishment! They just had the NY Marathon--you should go someday! They had some lady on the news they were interviewing who was like 86 and she ran the marathon in under 7 hours!!! That'll be you one day! Congrats!!!
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