Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palling Around with Unrepentant Moms

#1 has been exclusively praying for herself in our family prayers. After a short teaching moment about thinking of everyone's needs, her next prayer went like this:

Bless me to get green days. Bless #2 to learn to talk better and learn his ABC's.  Bless mom to stop doing all those bad things.

Hmmm.  I guess I haven't been fooling anyone. 


Jami said...

WOW! Now I am dying to know what "all those bad things" really are???

MJ said...

Kids don't lie! Unless they do, in which case you still come off the bad mom because you have kids that lie.

I love that #1. I sure learn a lot from her prayers and comments.

Cara and Terry said...

Gotta love the prayers of a 6 year old! You need to shape up over there! haha.

Some Kind of Crazy said...

Please, define "bad things." I would love to know!

Sweating in the endless heat said...

I ditto that, I want to know too, what all those "bad things are". Is it like my kids views, where because I won't let them do something they want to, or they don't get dessert because they didn't eat their dinner, what is it?

Audrey said...

My five year old still mostly prays for herself or offers up pretty much the same catch phrases. We've had who knows how many talks about the importance of prayer, etc. I guess you just keep plugging along with it.
God probably feels the way we feel as parents--all right, you've asked for that a million times, you've repented of that a million times...

Katie said...

That #1 sure does say some fabulously entertaining things!

If it makes you feel any better, Miles told me a story today about when he lived with a different mom and dad and they were so much nicer to him and never got mad at him and let him eat junk food all the time.

Kids sure do know whats up!

DKAZ said...

Q does not like pickles...despises them. The other day she asked me if Heavenly Father liked them. I said I didn't know. She then said, when we go up to heaven I will have him try one.

MegaPPod said...

Sounds like she already knows how to get back at you. Cute and resourceful. She'll go far!

Little Dame said...

Ha..she so outted you!! BTW, I made your summer squash casserole on was the bomb dot com. Nice work...I need more of your recipes STAT!