Friday, May 27, 2011

No more school, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks

The last day of school is a big deal for everyone. But this year it is especially significant for our family because it marks the end of what started off as a tough school year. We had just moved 45 minutes away from everything the children could remember as home. But it might as well have been to a different planet for how different things were.

When school began they hadn't really had a chance to get to know any of our neighbors or church friends. The kids were nervous and felt friend-less and out of place at their new (huge!) school. Can't you see the insecurity written on their faces on that first day?

Now look at them: happy and confident. They met their challenge and came out conquerors! As much as I would have taken their beginning of the year struggles from them, I'm pleased that they had an opportunity to be stretched and grow. They know for themselves now that they can do hard things.

{Let's see if I can get them to remember that when it's time to scrub toilets}

#1 and her 2nd grade teacher

#2 and his Kindergarten teacher

Today is the first day of summer break. We slept in.... until 7. I'm looking forward to having my babies at home. I love their games and forts and dancing. I'm not looking forward to dragging the three of them to Coscto with me today.


moomycoz said...

I always enjoyed the change of pace and the feeling that the kids could let down and relax. It is a great feeling to have them back under your wing. The challenge is keeping a balance of fun and responsibility so they don't spin out of control. But you are the master of that one, so enjoy!

birdie said...

way to go kiddos! that was a serious challenge, but they came out on top. now, what to do all summer... :)

good times!

Melanie said...

That's awesome! Josh started out rough too this year. But its been a fun adventure and I'm so excited for Friday-its finally out for us...don't know that I'll ever get used to getting out of school AFTER Memorial day!